Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Could you really know how much I love you
in the ways that poets and philosophers comb 
out this deep high divine love,
articulating the nuance, essence, idiosyncrasy
of this merging, growing, beautiful heart
that binds us so freely

In your moments of doubt, when the world is dark
do you really wonder if the love that surrounds you 
is within you, for you, kissing 
your footsteps, whispering for you to grow,
do you really wonder if it exists,
is it possible, or is the reassurance that thing, 
maybe that one thing, that brings you back
to yourself, so to hear it spoken
is to remember

one soul comically separated into two bodies
magnetized to lean into one another
soften into wrapped arms
breath into breath

and even the hardened skeptical
perhaps even literary souls
wincing at another tiresome love poem
will be moved to hear 
softly, ethereally, gutturally
whispered, through cries of
sorrowful joy of reconnection of what was once
spiritually but also physically one,
"I love you mommy."

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