Tuesday, April 3, 2012

4.3.12 his totem animal is a woodpecker

The woodpecker's last tree
hums softly as the red-crowned fellow
zips over to his next exploration.
To him a vast adventure will be had,
mysterious nuggets of nourishment will be found,
as he proudly continues his regular tap-tap-tap.
'But I know' thinks the tree,
'That he leaves holes in the being that offers him food,
his rhythm is regular but lacks a rich texture,
and he cannot go that deep.
How could he that leaves holes
in those who give him sustenance?'

Expecting no answer, the tree hums,
gathers sun, lifts water slowly up her roots,
feeds and gets fed by and dances with
the many beings in the world of her body,
Rich, deep and whole.
The new holes on her body 
tell the story of her life,
Rich deep and whole.

1 comment:

  1. revision 1/12/14: Second to last line of first stanza needs to read
    "How could he leave holes"
